College Consulting

Why the need for independent college counseling?

The private, independent college counseling field is growing at an extraordinary rate across the United States. This increase is due to a variety of factors:

  1. Budget constraints in our secondary schools have prohibited the majority of our schools from employing an adequate number of counselors. The school counselor-to-student ratio is extremely high nation-wide, thus creating a significant strain on our high school counselors to adequately provide the college counseling that each of our students deserve. This problem will continue within our schools and can only be remedied by a significant educational reform movement. 

  2. Colleges are becoming more and more selective as their governing boards are demanding specified enrollment objectives based upon a combination of academic quality and diversity. Experienced independent college counselors are aware of the intricacies associated with many schools selection criteria and have well-established relationships with many college's admission staff. 

  3. In addition to the high school counselor’s primary function of academic planning they also are many times forced to take on social worker roles with their students providing a wide array of social counseling services. The end product is that many times students requiring/seeking advice on the college selection and admissions process are many times left to fend for themselves. Choosing and getting admitted to the right college is one of the most, if not the most, important choices a student will ever make. An inadequate level of college counseling could result in a student not getting admitted into the school of their choice or making a poor choice that will affect them their entire life. 

  4. High school counselors are only available to the student when school is in session. They are unavailable throughout the summer months. The summer is precisely the time that students need to be applying and the time when the most selective schools are already making admission decisions. The experienced independent college counselor is available year-round.

Which type of students benefit the most from independent college counseling?

  • Students with higher grades and test scores. For a higher caliber student, consultations with a private counselor can be very beneficial. Increased competition for admissions into highly selective schools have resulted in more families consulting with private counselors to get any advantage possible. Increased admission and scholarship opportunities, due to high grades in test scores, many times equates to a greater need to consult with a counselor to discuss direction and strategy. 

  • The marginal student. The private counselor can be instrumental in working closely with this type of student. There are many colleges, including two-year institutions, which can provide this type of student a quality education. Many times the marginal student can underestimate their probability of getting into a 4-year institution. A competent college counselor can point the student to these types of institutions which are of high quality but less competitive. 

  • Lack of student motivation. The quality counselor will be able to help students clearly understand their educational and career options. With tutoring, study skill help, and college counseling, the poorly-motivated student can become much more academically focused if the desire is there.

  • The undecided student. These students are usually academically sound but have had little guidance in the college selection and admission process. In most instances, it is this student that can benefit the most from timely college counseling.

  • Last but not least..Current College students. Many times students choose a major or university without someone taking a deep dive into who they are and their interests in high school. They get to what they thought was the best school for them and find out in their first year.... "This isn't what I thought it would be... now what?"  Gina excels at helping to give these students direction and options fast.

Gina’s Approach to College Counseling:

College admissions has become a complex, competitive process and often a challenging and often stressful one for students and their families. My goal is to achieve the best fit for each applicant at colleges where the student will flourish.

My unique individualized approach allows us to thoroughly investigate options with students and navigate together with families through the many steps in the process. Students are generally not aware of all of the factors to consider in finding the right college for their needs since they have never gone through the process before. Even for those students that have some idea of what they want, they are often not in a position to understand the strengths and weaknesses of different institutions.

 My focus is to empower students and families with the knowledge and skill set to recognize what colleges are the right fit based on the student's learning style, interests, and environment. In addition, I place an emphasis on the student enjoying the process, being present, and balancing their overall health and well-being to create a less stressful experience.

You will receive a prescriptive outline to ensure your academic accomplishments and extracurricular talents are showcased for optimum opportunities for scholarships and college admission offers. The key to success is your planning and preparation for college by clearly identifying what is most important to the individual student.

Gina earned both her Associate’s from Dean College and her Bachelor’s from Syracuse University in four years. She completed various internships, including one that led to two job offers. “My different experiences in college, although at the time the nontraditional path, lead me to an incredible career path later,” she says. “The best thing a student can do is focus on themselves and not compare their journey to that of others. When I attended Dean College, I utilized the school's support services and worked closely with my professors to strengthen the areas where I felt weak. I also got involved in many campus and community activities which allowed my leadership skills to shine.” Gina later earned her Master’s in Organizational Leadership from Mercy College. Gina began working with students as an admissions officer & career counselor in 2003, including three years as assistant dean of undergraduate admissions at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering. “I read hundreds of applications and essays every cycle, she says, working particularly with students in the STEM disciplines, and developed a clear picture of the student who not only stands out to an admissions officer but also the student who can find a place for themselves in the university.”

Since 2012, she has worked as an admissions consultant, providing guidance to students and families through what she calls “the full life cycle of the college search.” Her time at NYU developed her specialty in working with students with an interest in STEM (science, math, engineering and technology), helping them identify which major is ultimately the best fit for their strengths, interests and passion, and which schools are the best fit for their needs and goals. “I take my students on a transformative path of self-discovery to empower them to choose what major and university setting will put them in their ideal environment to grow and learn, she says. I feel when students are in alignment with their strengths and natural abilities, they are happiest and will have a positive impact on the world around them.” In addition, I provide students with career coaching if they are ready for it based on my business experience as a hiring manager in multiple industries.” Her approach is unique as it is based on 20 years of interviewing and working with both candidates as a hiring manager and students as an admissions officer, career counselor, and educational consultant.

Gina’s Successful Cases include students being admitted to:

“All of your dreams can come true -

if you have the courage to pursue them.”

-Walt Disney

Ready to take the next big step towards your future?